Creative Mindfulness Courses
Mindfulness is a bit of a buzz word right now and can seem a little baffling.
In these tailor-made courses, I take participants through a simple range of creative exercises from journal making & drawing to writing poetry, as mindful meditation.
Using nature as a starting point, the courses can be held either inside or out and can be one session to many to suit your needs.
Emphasis is put on the act of drawing or creating as an aid to calming the mind, rather creating a beautiful piece of 'Art' (although if you're happy with the outcome then that will boost your confidence). No previous experience of either Art or mindfulness is required.
My sessions are slow, non-competitive and calming.
If you would like to discuss how creative mindfulness can help you or your organisation, please do contact me here.
"Found the group really helpful. Came feeling overwhelmed and left in a better mood"
"Amazing and really focused."
"Very relaxing and calming."
"Thoroughly enjoyable. A real treat and lots of ideas and suggestions about how to use mindfulness in everyday life. Very welcoming."
Mindfulness Poetry
Natures Inspiration by Christine M
New life comes yearly
Despite the harsh, cold winter:
The promise of more.
Little bursts of green
Thrust through stony ground beneath
Like hope in dark times.
A purple haze hangs
Nodding in the gentle wind
Calming and soothing.
Mauve blossoms cast down:
Like cherished moments in life’s
Harsh realities.
Bright Buttercups peep
Through long blades of green grass
Like a sunny day.
Yellow Irises
Like bright splashes of paint flung
On a green canvas.
Dark and attractive:
The Copper Beech holds itself
In stately splendour.
The Horse Chestnut lifts
Its pink candles to the sky
In celebration.
A Blackbird scolds and
Robin warbles while bees dance
Humming their anthem
Lazy, hazy days
In mindful contemplation:
Lazy, hazy daze!
In the Garden by Ruth H
In the quiet, in the stillness, I breathe in, I breathe out.
To my right a blackbird flits to a branch.
He shares his song, spent, he is gone.
I breathe in, I breathe out.
I count resting in the spaces in between.
I sink soothingly into the garden sounds.
In the quiet, in the stillness, I breathe in, I breathe out.
A cool breeze gently passes by,
Tickling through my hair, lifting and falling.
I breathe in, I breathe out.
I count resting in the spaces in between.
I lean back being wrapped within the breeze.
In the quiet, in the stillness, I breathe in, I breathe out.
Slow and calm my thoughts lazily pass by
I see them on paper, falling to the floor, a matter for later.
I breathe in, I breathe out.
I count, resting in the spaces in between.
One more breath, one more moment.
Mushrooms on the Allotment by Simon K
Succulent off-white domes
Shiny slow irreversible doom
Pixie houses home for gnomes
Standing before the under gloom
Five days before man’s last breath
Woodships ring the funeral bell
Ruin Hades endless death
The bell tolls, and
Beckons man to heaven
Images & Poetry courtesy of
Art Workshops; Children's Clubs; Book Readings & Events
Teaching art is a core part of what I do, and I have been very lucky to teach some talented children and adults over the years. It is a privilege to see how people grow in confidence through art.
I am available to my own books to schools & pre-schools and to organise craft events around them.
The classes I run are non-competitive, I like to find something to praise in each piece of work, and to encourage each individual. I feel that everyone learns best in a relaxed, nurturing and safe environment.
In more reason times, I have held sessions via Zoom & Teams.
If you are interested in making a booking, please email me here.